Thursday 19 November 2015

Epilepsy and Symptoms

The activity of nerve cells located in the brain gets interrupted and this makes seizures. Sometimes this will lead to uncommon behavior, loss of consciousness. The symptom of seizure can change, staring at an open space or anything for some seconds. Other one is shivering of legs and arms.

Some of the common symptoms of Epilepsy;

1) Confusion for very short term
2) Staring spell
3) Shivering of arms and legs
4) Awareness loss
5) Psychic behavior 

Monday 9 November 2015

Leprosy Symptoms And Treatments

Scars or disfiguring of skin, damages to the nerves located in the arms and legs, skin lumps. This infections Is caused by the production and multiplication of Mycobacterium Leprae or bacillus. It may take upto 20 years to show all the symptoms. The body pats which effects this infection are mainly the skin, Upper respiratory tract and also the vision. Reduction of blinking is the symptom that shows the infection in eyes. This will slowly leads to permanent blindness.

Leprosy can be transmitted to others through the droplets from mouth, nose during close contact. Leprosy is completely curable through medical treatment. But if it is untreated then it can cause permanent damage to skin, eyes, legs and hands.

Some of the common symptoms of Leprosy;

1) Weakness in muscle
2) Loss feelings in arms and legs
3) Discoloration of skin

The effects of Leprosy

1) Blindness
2) Changes in face figure
3) Infertility and erectile problems in men
4) Can lead to failure of kidney
5) Permanent nerve damage

Treatment available for leprosy

Leprosy is completely curable. World Health organization provides free treatment for all with Leprosy. Proper antibiotics are given according to the type of Leprosy. Antibiotics should be taken long term if  needed.

Rajagiri Hospital @ TEAK MEDCON November 2015

Monday 2 November 2015

Sunday 1 November 2015

Cerebrovascular Diseases

Cerebrovascular disease is a problem that occurs when the blood supply to the brain gets blocked. Basically there are several types of Cerebrovascular Diseases and they are;

1) Brain attack or Stroke
2) Mini stroke or TIA
3) Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH)
4) Vascular Dementia

Brain Attack or Stroke: Stroke can happen to anyone one at any time. Strokes are caused because of the blood supply to the brain gets blocked and the brain cells starve for oxygen and if they didn’t get oxygen then the brain cells begins to die. If the stroke is massive then one side of the brain will get paralyzed.

Mini Stroke or Tia: They said to be the “warning stokes” which should be considered very seriously. This temporary stroke is caused by the blood clot. This stroke will not do any permanent damage to the brain like a brain attack. Mni stroke will last for 3 to 5 minutes.

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage:  It is a bleeding happens in the Subarachnoid region of the brain. Headache,  Neck pain, Blurred vision, Nausea etc. are some of the common symptom of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.

Vascular Dementia: Is one of the most common type of Dementia. Vascular dementia is caused due to the impaired blood supply to the human brain.

Thursday 29 October 2015

Protect Your Heart By Eating More Fruits And Vegetables

New study shows that a young person who eats more number of or approximately not less than 9 portion of fruits and vegetables daily are more secure from heart diseases 20 years later. Specifically from calcified coronary artery plaque 2. When comparing with the people who are non-eaters of fruits and vegetables.

There are many studies associated with the consumption of veggies and fruits and its advantages to the human heart. Group of young people who underwent in this research shown that, at the young age women and men who took more fruits and vegetables has 30 percentage less like to have calcification of coronary artery.

Studies also suggest to not to wait to get older to take veggies and fruits. That will be too late. But when you get old the eating habit is equally important as at the time of young .

Monday 7 September 2015

Angioplasty for Coronary Artery Disease

Basically Angioplasty in done to increase the blood flow by expanding the blocked blood vessels using a stent and pressing the plaque against the artery wall.  The stent is inserted into the artery through your groin area or through arms sometimes. The stent is then carefully pushed to the affected area. This will help the blood to flow without any problem. Coronary Angiography Is the test conducted to determine where the artery is narrowed.

How stenting helps?
  1.               Prevent the plaque from breaking off and entering heart.
  2.        Prevent the artery from closing or narrowing again.
  3.         Improve blood flow through the artery.
  4.              Seal any tear and damages in the artery.

Angioplasty surgery takes almost more than one hour to perform and after surgery patient will be closely monitored and one day. One day stay at the hospital is recommended by the doctors for close monitoring. Other medicines are also given to the patient to prevent any other heart attacks.
After angioplasty surgery patients have to follow healthy habits in order to protect their heart. Regular exercise and healthy eating habits is very important. Rajagiri in Kochi, Kerala is on of the Top Angioplasty Hospital In Kerala

Thursday 16 July 2015

Neonatal Jaundice Symptoms and Prevention

Jaundice is a common condition in newly born. The yellow color of the skins and the whites in the eyes because of the high bilirubin present in the blood.  Red blood cells are break down to form bilirubin which passes through the liver and produces bile that helps in digestion. Higher the bilirubin production than the liver can break down is the reason for jaundice. Newborn will usually have more red blood cell turnover as because of that more the production of bilirubin. As liver of a newborn baby will not be a fully functional the liver can’t break every bit of bilirubin in the blood.   If the level of bilirubin is higher then it is recommended to give treatment. If proper treatments are not given then it may cause deafness, cerebral palsy or any other form of brain problems. Also, the Jaundice can be a symptom of any other problem like Thyroid problem or some kind of infection. It is recommended that all the newly born should undergo jaundice diagnosis test after few days.One of the Top Neonatal Hospital In Kerala is Rajagiri Health Care Multi Specialty Hospital located in Kochi.

Top Neonatal Hospital In Kerala

Different types of Jaundice;

Normal Jaundice or Physiological Jaundice: This is very normal in newborn. Within one or two week of age Jaundice will disappear.

Enough breast milk has to be given by the mother to baby. If the baby is not hydrated well by any reason then chances of jaundice are there.

Incompatibility of baby’s blood group with the mother’s blood group is another problem that leads to Jaundice. The antibodies in mother’s blood group destroy the red blood cells of the babies. This leads to the increase in the production of bilirubin.

 How to prevent Jaundice?

There is no proven method or way to prevent Neonatal Jaundice, but some of the things you can do to prevent is to feed baby several times a day to keep the baby rehydrated

Read about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Syndrome which also effects neonatal

Monday 13 July 2015

Appendicitis: Symptoms and treatments

A pouch attached to the large intestine named appendix became inflamed this condition is called Appendicitis. Appendix is not allowed bursting open because it’s a life threatening situation. Usually, Appendix is surgically removed for those who suffer from appendicitis.  Gastroenterology researchers are not able to find out what appendix really does. But the only thing that researchers know that the human can live without Appendix.

What causes this condition?

Appendicitis can be caused due to several reasons. One is due to blocked appendix due to stool, any other foreign objects, tumor or cancer. This blockage can happen due to various infections that our body suffers. Appendix can get infected due to any infection in our body. This is one of the most common Gastroenterology disorder.

What are the symptoms of Appendicitis?

This is one of the common conditions and in many people this condition doesn’t show any kind of symptoms
  1.  Pain in the abdomen.
  2. Sharp Pain in the abdomen after sometimes.
  3. Swelling in the belly.
  4. Sharp pain while sneezing, movement of Stomach and while doing physical activities.
  5. Loss of appetite.
  6. Nausea

The condition gets worse after a period of time. This include, Worsen abdominal pain, diarrhea, pain in urination. Don’t try to take medication yourself without consulting a Gastroenterologist. If you do then it may lead to rupture of Appendix which is a life threatening situation. Rajagiri Hospital in Kochi, Kerala is one of the Top Gastroenterology Hospital In Kerala, India.

How Appendicitis can be diagnosed?

Diagnosing appendicitis is a tricky part. Most of the symptoms are almost same as the other ailments. Some of the other ways prescribed by doctors to diagnose appendicitis are;
  1. Test for infection, usually blood test
  2. Examination of Rectum
  3. Scans
  4.  Examination of  the abdominal section
  5. Test for Urinary tract infection.

Treatments for Appendicitis;

Surgery is the main treatment for appendicitis and this is called appendectomy. Usually if the appendix is drained out and then performs surgery to remove the appendix. In some cases after draining out the appendix antibiotics are given to heal.

How appendicitis can be prevented?

Studies say that people who eat more fruits and vegetables have less possibility of Appendicitis. There are no other ways to prevent appendicitis.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Coronary Heart Disease : Causes, Symptoms And Treatments

A coronary heart disease is a group of heart diseases which includes Sudden Coronary Death, Unstable Angina, myocardial Infarction, Stable Angina. This is the number one killer of human beings in the whole world including our small Kerala. The common cause of these diseases is the block of arteries and this is caused by the buildup of plaque. This creates a block in the arteries so the normal blood flow is interrupted. Because of this needed oxygen will not reach the heart and then chest pain and other discomforts are caused. One of the major effects is higher the chance of Cardiac arrest and stroke. The condition of plaque buildup in arteries is called Atherosclerosis. Plaque buildup narrows the blood vessels and this hardens the transportation of oxygen and vital nutrients to the heart to pump. The body develops a new blood vessel to overcome the blockage but even before that because of stress and other physical activities.

Plaque Buildup

Plaque buildup in the artery is a long term process. This starts from the younger age itself. The food habit that helps to build cholesterol is the main reason for plaque build-up in the artery. The plaque produces chemicals that help to heal the blockage, but this makes it stickier. The vital nutrients get stuck and it doesn’t reach the heart to pump the blood to vital organs.

Change in the lifestyle is the main villain of our heart. Earlier day’s people are more into jobs like farming, jobs that require physical activities. This was a cholesterol burner at that time. The invention of computer and other machinery made these jobs easier and was made to cut down the physical activities. At this time, calories or cholesterol is burned unknowingly. Nowadays people know that eating all those heavier calorie food items is very harmful to your heart. And they never bother to do physical workout to knowingly loose fat and make your heart stronger. This is the one of the main reason for the increase of Cardiac failure.

What are the symptoms and How can I know it.

The most common symptoms are Chest Pain or Angina. It can be described as the heaviness of chest, numbness, burning sensation, etc.
Some of the other common symptoms of Coronary Heart Diseases are:

  1. Breath shortness.
  2. Irregular Heartbeats.
  3. Excess Sweating.
  4. Dizziness.
  5. The inclination to vomit.
  6. Faster heartbeat.

If you are showing any symptoms given above, it’s always better to go to Hospital and discuss with your doctor. In Kerala Rajagiri Health Care Multi- Specialty hospital is one of the  Top Cardiac Hospital In Kerala. They have the most experienced doctors such as Dr. Shiv K Nair who has performed almost about 11,000 Cardiac Surgeries.

Treatments for Coronary Artery Diseases.

Avoid using risk factors such as smoking, use of alcohol; fatty food items, fast food, heavy use of salt, less sugar, diet, blood sugar control etc. are some of the risk factors. Exercise is one thing that you have to give Top priority. It is always better to seek the help of a trainer. Proper Medicines has to be taken along with the lifestyle changes which are very important. Patient has to undergo Surgery if the doctor prescribed to in order for the survival.

Friday 26 June 2015

Brain Tumor and Symptoms

Researchers only says that brain tumor can be caused to people who have undergone radiation treatments people who have a rare genetic condition called neurofibromatosis, HIV infection, Cigarette smoking, pollution, your age and history of any condition for brain tumor on the family but the exact cause of brain tumor is unknown. 

Different Types of Brain Tumors

Brain tumors are of different types and they are named according to the portion of the brain where the tumor is caused.

In adults mainly the below given types of tumors are caused.
1.    Astrocytoma
       a)    Grade one or two Astrocytoma
       b)    Grade three astrocytoma
       c)    Grade four astrocytoma
2.    Meningioma
3.    Oligodendroglioma

Different types of Brain tumors caused to Children are given below.

1.    Medulloblastoma
2.    Grade one or two astrocytoma
3.    Ependymoma
4.    Brain Stem Glioma

What are the Symptoms and Signs of a Brain Tumor?

1. Headache: Headache is a major symptom of brain tumor. Headache get worsen in the morning time. Headache patterns get changes time to time. The severity of the pain gets increased when the tumor gets old.

2. Nausea and Vomiting: Nausea and Vomiting is one other common symptom of a tumor. This is one other common factor for other diseases also. If you are unable to find the reason for unexplained nausea and vomiting then it’s always better to visit a doctor and get tested for a brain tumor or related diseases.

3. Problems with the vision: Blurred vision, changes in vision, brain vision and brain stem

4. Difficulty in balancing: Loss of balance while walking and difficulty with fine motor skills.

5. Speech Problems: Changes in speech, hearing and memory. Changes in  the emotional state, aggressiveness and related problems, confusion with everyday problems, 

6. Swallowing Difficulties: Weakness in the jaw makes difficulties in swallowing food.

Above given are some of the important symptoms of brain tumor or brain cancer. Persons who are facing any of these symptoms for unknown reasons should visit a doctor and get a full checkup for a brain tumor. Tumors are difficult to treat at the last moment of diagnosis, but they can easily treat if a doctor can diagnose it in the initial stage itself. This is why doctors say that even if you are facing a normal fever one must consult a doctor and confirms that it is a normal and usual fever. Fever can be a symptom of any other diseases also. So the thing is, its always better to consult a doctor.

Treatments available for Brain Tumor.

Treatments are decided according to the size, age and type of person. Each of them has a different type of treatments and this is decided by the neurosurgeon. Normally brain tumors are treated with surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Before undergoing surgery, patient gets injected with steroids to relieve swelling. 

Surgery is the primary way of getting rid of tumors. Neuron Surgeon will try to remove the tumor partially and this helps to reduce the pressure in the brain. Remaining part of the tumor will be removed with radiations or chemotherapy. Rajagiri Hospital is one of the best Neurosurgery Hospitals In Kerala, India who have the most experienced and talented doctors like Dr. Jagath Lal and Dr. Manoj Narayana Panicker.  

Radiation therapy for a brain tumor is done suing x-rays and other kinds of radiations. This destroys the cancerous cells and prevents its growing. And this is also a painless way of treatment. This increases the chances of survival of the patient

Chemotherapy is another way of killing cancerous cells. This is by injecting or orally feeding cancerous killing drugs. Drugs and dose will vary according to the patient’s condition and age.