Monday 7 September 2015

Angioplasty for Coronary Artery Disease

Basically Angioplasty in done to increase the blood flow by expanding the blocked blood vessels using a stent and pressing the plaque against the artery wall.  The stent is inserted into the artery through your groin area or through arms sometimes. The stent is then carefully pushed to the affected area. This will help the blood to flow without any problem. Coronary Angiography Is the test conducted to determine where the artery is narrowed.

How stenting helps?
  1.               Prevent the plaque from breaking off and entering heart.
  2.        Prevent the artery from closing or narrowing again.
  3.         Improve blood flow through the artery.
  4.              Seal any tear and damages in the artery.

Angioplasty surgery takes almost more than one hour to perform and after surgery patient will be closely monitored and one day. One day stay at the hospital is recommended by the doctors for close monitoring. Other medicines are also given to the patient to prevent any other heart attacks.
After angioplasty surgery patients have to follow healthy habits in order to protect their heart. Regular exercise and healthy eating habits is very important. Rajagiri in Kochi, Kerala is on of the Top Angioplasty Hospital In Kerala